Fried Egg

Cooking a fried egg is easy, but it is hard to be a master of it, and it is even harder when the fried egg is flying. Try it out!


App Store

Google Play

The first thought of developing this game is to create a mini game that everyone can play without any instruction. It turns out that Fried Egg is easy to play, but it is really hard to get a high score. Whenever you feel bored, you can try and have fun playing this mini game.

It will have an update in the middle of July 2016. I added a social sharing function. You can easily to inform your friend and family to try out this game by message, email, facebook…

I am still the record keeper of all time in both IOS and Android platforms. I scored 37. Can you beat that?

Top Songs Charts

For music lovers! Now you can enjoy the top 100 pop songs from each decade in 60 years starting from 1950s. No more searching, no more typing, just a few clicks! Play them online!


App Store

Google Play

I like music, just like everyone else does. The idea of developing this App is not only to share music, but to share the most popular songs in different periods of time. It took me lots of work to gather and put all the information together, make them into a App platform.

I choose to save all the songs’ information into users’ device, so that even though without Internet access, the App is still useful as a database. With internet access, no more search, just a few clicks, user can play the songs through youtube, Youtube, Vimeo and YouKu.

The App was partly finished in early Feb 2015, then had a few updates to add more songs. I stopped doing mobile programming in the last 15 months for some reason, however I start doing it again recently. The App of Top Song Charts will have a huge update in middle of July 2016. Beside the complete list of songs, some new functions are added. Like user can add the favorite songs into a list call My Favorite Song list, so users can play their favorite song easily. Sorting function is also included for the Favorite Song list.

I hear some people the App doesn’t include the latest songs. That is true. Although it have the top 100 songs of 2010s, but the latest songs are 2 years ago, so I add the top 100 pop songs of 2015 right away to make the song content more attractive.

A social sharing function is also added. If you love this App, you can inform your friends and family to try it out by message, email, facebook… Please help me to share this App:)